IEEE Std 1016-1998

I am trying to find information about IEEE Std 1016-1998, Recommended
Practice for Software Design Descriptions. The IEEE site, of course, wants
me to pay for it. However, I just want a bit more description about how this standard applies to the writing of a software design document.

Anyone have experience with writing to this standard?


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<DIV>I am trying to find information about IEEE Std 1016-1998, Recommended<BR>Practice for Software Design Descriptions. The IEEE site, of course, wants<BR>me to pay for it. However, I just want a bit more description about how this standard applies to the writing of a software design document.<BR><BR>Anyone have experience with writing to this standard?<BR><BR>Mahzad</DIV><p>
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Received on Sunday, 18 July 2004 13:30:06 UTC