Jumbotext - A New Feature to WWW

Jumbotext, could be a new tag for a simple but very revolutionary and 
fundamental feature. With jumbotext, in the text of a web page every single 
word would be outlined and in different colour (similar to usual hypertext) 
when pointed by its mouse cursor. Then with a simple click one would see a 
menu to: see the definition of the word, see its translation to different 
languages, and hear the word spoken in audio. 
I'll be glad to discuss further Jumbotext implications and advantages, if
there were any interest on it. Maybe there could be servers to provide this
information on-line conceived for such a purpose. 
It's just a question of making things simple on a large scale and make
comunication worldwide more dynamic and effecient.

Thanks a Lot, 
Daniel Alexandre 

- Please point me to the appropriate list if this is the wrong one. -

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Received on Wednesday, 28 June 2000 02:41:21 UTC