Re: URL specification: referring to the current directory.

Arnoud Galactus Engelfriet wrote:
> Webcrawlers most definitely DO NOT assume a filename if a link leads
> to a 'directory' URL. If the URL is "/foo/bar/" then the client *must*
> ask for "/foo/bar" and see what it gets back. It doesn't matter at all
> if the server sends the content of
> "/usr/local/etc/httpd/htdocs/foo/bar/index.html" or any other file in
> that directory, or makes up something out of thin air.

Seems to be a rather critical typo here.  What you must have meant
was that if the URL is "/foo/bar/" then the client *must* ask for
"/foo/bar/" and see what it gets back.  Sorry to pick, but that
missing slash is really important.

			-- George

Received on Tuesday, 9 September 1997 13:59:00 UTC