About URNs and Meta content

Thanx for the feedback we got about our sheme. Finally we dropped it in
favor of URNs, we found that it is a lot more appropriate to what we want
to do because we deal with name spaces and meta content.

With Guha from Apple Research, we worked to improved the orginal MCF file
format to now integrate URNs. We also tried to integrate new trend about
typing for Meta Content (also called profiles). We came with a new spec
which is located at http://www.netfolder.com/SDK/index.htm.

We will appreciate your comments, this will help us create a better meta
content format. So, before submitting to IETF as a draft, we will listen to
you and discuss with you about issues or bugs that the spec may have. 


Didier PH Martin

Received on Wednesday, 19 March 1997 22:40:13 UTC