RE: Windows www-lib

>>From Wed Apr  5 07:19:43 1995
>Date: Wed, 5 Apr 1995 00:51:22 +0500
>Precedence: bulk
>From: (Henrik Frystyk Nielsen)
>To: Multiple recipients of list <>
>Subject: RE: Windows www-lib
>X-Listprocessor-Version: 6.0c -- ListProcessor by Anastasios Kotsikonas
>Content-Length: 897
>>From what I can gather, the changes were only theoretical and done
>by someone who does not actually have a Windows system, and the
>makefile was not created.
>Yep, I kind of regret that now, but anyway - done is done and I
>have received my flame mail for it ;-)
>> If I can't find someone else who has done it, I plan to prepare
>> the makefiles and binaries for Win32 (not Win16), if they build
>> successfully.  From there I'll see about actually getting it to
>> work.  My initial focus will be getting the line-mode browser
>> to work in a Win32 console session.  I'll be using MSVC++ 2.00
>> and working primarily with Win95, but I hope to do some testing
>> with WinNT 3.5, too.
>Just to avoid too much double work, there will be a better support 
>coming out in the next flush (as I mentioned in a previous mail) 
>> Followup to, please.
>Sure do :-)
>-- cheers --
>Henrik Frystyk
Christian Promitzer                       
Institute for Information Processing and Computer Supported New Media (IICM)
                   Graz University of Technology, Austria
Voice: ++43/316/873-5644                                Fax: ++43/316/824394
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Received on Tuesday, 17 October 1995 06:02:07 UTC