Re: caching dilemma

James Gwertzman <>:
>I think we need a return code that is somewhere in between these two
>codes. Let me reiterate my application and you can see what I mean. I
>envision a system where pages are replicated across many
>servers. Clients should be redirected to the nearest server containing
>a replica of the pages that client is interested in.

Isn't that what URNs address? You can (will be able to) do caching
based on URNs rather than URLs.

Best regards
Rainer Klute

  Dipl.-Inform. Rainer Klute        NADS - Advertising on nets
  Emil-Figge-Str. 80                Tel.: +49 231 9742570
D-44227 Dortmund                    Fax:  +49 231 9742571


Received on Wednesday, 31 May 1995 03:01:18 UTC