Multiple submit buttons

      I've found multiple submit buttons to be very useful for a number
      of applications where the fact that not every browser implements
      them is not critical - for example, I used them to sequence slides
      for my DCI/WebWorld presentations [much easier than using hyperlinks,
      there's just a list of slides, which is very easy to manage..].

      I'm also using them to create a menu, at the bottom of the page 
      accessed via my sig.url; again, this technique makes it Real Easy
      to manage a menu, and avoids image downloading, etc... However, I
      fear it won't work for all browsers (in this case there are other
      ways to reach those links..). I'd be very interested in getting some
      feedback about which browsers it doesn't work for, and v.v.

      If there's sufficient interest I'll publish the Perl code for those
      two applications, here or at the WDVL.

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Received on Tuesday, 7 March 1995 15:24:38 UTC