Re: Meeting with the TAG at TPAC

Dear Hadley

Accessible Platform Architectures (APA) will be meeting during TPAC (on
Tuesday and Thursday) with several key members participating in person.
We would benefit from a TAG checkin regarding one specification about to
move to its first CR and possibly with a second other area of APA's current work.

1.)	WAI-Adapt Content Module 1.0

NOTE: We have a two CR approach with this specification. The above WD is
the basis of a transition request for the First CR.

We know we'll need a 2nd CR because the spec relies on the
provisionary data- HTML prefix, so we'll use our implementation
experience during 1st CR to request a reserved word from WHAT-WG.

We also plan to FPWD a registry specification during the 1st CR for the
above spec.

During our initial transition request conversations it was unclear whether we
had, or had not cleared TAG issues previously logged. An overlap with
CSS Media Queries 5 is also noted for which my Co-Chair is preparing a
demo page to illustrate what's different in the above spec from what MQ5

Meanwhile, the following github issue and recent teleconference minutes
may be most informative:


WAI-Adapt TF teleconference:

This specification promises to break new ground in accessibility
support, so we want to get it right.

2.)	Our Spoken Presentation Task Force is working toward a
specification that could allow authoring to rely on consistent
performance of text to speech engines (and language packs) across
operating environments--something not possible today.

While this is also arguably transformative work, I suspect it best to
avoid too much detail in this initial email.
Let me simply say at this point that some requirements arising out of
this work are raising the prospect of developing additional supporting
specification, and we will shortly be sending a request to I18N (and a
few other individuals) requesting a meeting. I will cc you as an FYI and
as an open invitation.  Those emails will provide more detail on this.

Thanking you in advance,

Janina Sajka,
APA Co-Chair

Hadley Beeman writes:
> Hi chairs,
> We the W3CTAG[1] are beginning to plan our time over TPAC, and are looking
> forward to seeing many of you in person for the first time in quite a while.
> Could we be of any help to you? If you'd like one or several of us to pop
> in and spend some time with your group, in person or remotely, please open
> an issue in our github repo.[2] The pre-filled template should make that
> easy.
> We will do our best to prioritise your requests. We'll get back to you as
> soon as we can to confirm.
> Looking forward to seeing you in September!
> Cheers,
>    Hadley
> [1]
> [2]


Janina Sajka (she/her/hers)
Accessibility Consultant

The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI)
Co-Chair, Accessible Platform Architectures

Linux Foundation Fellow

Received on Thursday, 11 August 2022 18:23:45 UTC