W3C Polyfill service?

At a W3C Japan meeting in Tokyo yesterday, which I attended at Keio
University, polyfills were mentioned frequently (I noticed this
particularly because it was one of the few words I could understand when
presentations were in Japanese).

Satoru Takagi from KDDI (a large mobile operator) subsequently suggested to
me that W3C could provide an 'official' source of spec-compliant polyfills
for new features (something like "polyfills.w3.org"), and adopting
polyfill.io as a starting point for this would seem to be a sensible

His slides:


As the maintainer of polyfill.io, I'm open to this idea.  There's precedent
for this in things like the validator services W3C operates, and there
would likely be huge developer interest and adoption. W3C could bring
governance and administration support to the project and the existing
participants could continue to perform their existing roles.

I mentioned it to Mike Smith at the event, and he was skeptical, but I
thought it worth asking if anyone thinks this is worth pursuing.



Received on Wednesday, 19 October 2016 08:47:22 UTC