Re: Task Force Model

On Mon, Oct 27, 2014 at 3:00 PM, ashok malhotra <>

>  This is a good idea!  Would the TAG appoint the task force?
> My guess is they would look for volunteers.
> We have often complained that the TAG does not get security
> experts so, although there has been a desire to dig deeper into
> security issues, this has not happened.  With the task force model
> the TAG could appoint a group of people to write a white paper
> or finding on some aspect of security.
> Provided, of course, that they could get enough qualified volunteers :-)
> All the best, Ashok
I was proposing appointment for reasons I tried to describe about the
perceived value by an employer or something, but certainly it would make a
lot of sense that they would consider anyone who is interested and

> On 10/27/2014 4:56 PM, Brian Kardell wrote:
> I mentioned this at the last f2f, and I wanted to reiterate it incase it
> gets lost as I've had a number of conversations and I think that a lot of
> people think it's a compelling idea...
>  The formal TAG being a small group has a lot of advantages, and we want
> those to be 'real people' too - and generally speaking - in order to get
> elected, you have to be involved in things.  This means that the # of
> person hours that can be spent are sort of inadequate in many cases to get
> the broad focus we want.   Similarly, we have rules which, for good or bad
> are the rules we have now, and they limit us to one person per org.  All of
> this means that we're probably not getting "the most" out of it that we
> could, so I have a suggestion:
>  Adopt a model in TAG where you make use of appointing qualified
> individuals to a task force with a limited scope.  If the neutrally elected
> TAG appointed someone to a task force, this has enough "credibility" that
> employers might be willing to pay, it could help stretch resources and work
> within existing constraints and get a lot more done.  The actual details
> could be further determined, but generally speaking a task force could help
> the TAG understand things at deeper levels without getting bogged down,
> they could make proposals or recommendations, and generally help align
> things more efficiently.
>  --
> Brian Kardell :: @briankardell ::

Brian Kardell :: @briankardell ::

Received on Monday, 27 October 2014 23:00:51 UTC