Task Force Model

I mentioned this at the last f2f, and I wanted to reiterate it incase it
gets lost as I've had a number of conversations and I think that a lot of
people think it's a compelling idea...

The formal TAG being a small group has a lot of advantages, and we want
those to be 'real people' too - and generally speaking - in order to get
elected, you have to be involved in things.  This means that the # of
person hours that can be spent are sort of inadequate in many cases to get
the broad focus we want.   Similarly, we have rules which, for good or bad
are the rules we have now, and they limit us to one person per org.  All of
this means that we're probably not getting "the most" out of it that we
could, so I have a suggestion:

Adopt a model in TAG where you make use of appointing qualified individuals
to a task force with a limited scope.  If the neutrally elected TAG
appointed someone to a task force, this has enough "credibility" that
employers might be willing to pay, it could help stretch resources and work
within existing constraints and get a lot more done.  The actual details
could be further determined, but generally speaking a task force could help
the TAG understand things at deeper levels without getting bogged down,
they could make proposals or recommendations, and generally help align
things more efficiently.

Brian Kardell :: @briankardell :: hitchjs.com

Received on Monday, 27 October 2014 20:57:04 UTC