Re: European court rules video embedding does not infringe copyright

Thank you, Noah!
There is a nuance to the decision that I am pondering.  It says:
“The embedding in a website of a protected work which is publicly accessible on another website by means of a link ... does not by itself constitute communication to the public within the meaning of [the EU Copyright directive] to the extent that the relevant work is neither communicated to a new public nor by using a specific technical means different from that used for the original communication,”

My question is, what is "publicly available?"
If I publish a blog post that 2 people read, is that "publicly available"?
I guess it is.
All the best, Ashok

On 10/27/2014 10:50 AM, Noah Mendelsohn wrote:
> I have not read (nor am I qualified to interpret) the original ruling, but according to the article at [1]
> "The Court of Justice of the European Union handed down a landmark verdict this week. The Court ruled that embedding copyrighted videos is not copyright infringement, even if the source video was uploaded without permission."
> This seems to relate directly to the TAG's long running interest in the legal impediments to linking and embedding.
> Noah
> [1]

Received on Monday, 27 October 2014 15:02:02 UTC