Question re Promises and interaction with rest of JS


Some cryptographers are modelling the WebCrypto API spec formally and
are wondering if state can either 1) be accessed or 2) be changed
between when a promise has been called and it delivering an error
message or a result.

For example, can I call for a key to be generated using WebCrypto, and
can that have *any* effect other promises before the operation is
complete (i.e. while pending)? Can other promises see a method has
been called but is still running before its end, and change their
behavior before that end? Or are they isolated?

I'm looking at what might be the ECMAScript draft [1].

It seems to depend on whether or not a promise was stored in a global
variable but was wondering if there was a list of cases. I'm also
seeing functions like

I've been looking at the spec (at least in DOM4)



Received on Tuesday, 6 May 2014 18:23:48 UTC