Re: media types as anti-pattern

Kingsley Idehen wrote:
> > I believe that the concepts in REST are more important than the
> > style itself -- Roy devised a methodology for improving the Web
> > architecture. If, after this much passage of time, we come to
> > falsify his conclusions, hasn't the fantastic success of the modern
> > Web vs. the original Web over that time proven the methodology
> > sound?
> There is one Web that's evolved over time, exposing different
> aspects. There are more aspects to be unveiled even though the core
> architecture will remain unchanged.

True enough, and Roy's methodology has been used to express emergent
aspects of the Web:

Which is why I'd like to see its continued use for discussions of Web
architecture, instead of "unveiling more aspects" absent this
established formalism.


Received on Monday, 1 April 2013 04:05:05 UTC