ISSUE-62 Citing URLs with Kcite

Came across this blog post and wanted the tracker to link it to
ISSUE-62; just in case we ever to decide to take that up again.

This is a down-in-the-trenches report from someone who has to have a
solution to the problem of discovering web-resource reference


Citing URLs with Kcite

The Kcite plugin (Cockell and Lord 2011)* generates bibliographies in
kblog articles from a variety of different article identifiers,
including arXiv, PubMed and DOIs. Kcite now also supports simple URLs
(Lord 2012)*. In this article, I describe how to use kcite to cite an
article via a URL. This has the significant advantage that many more
forms of article can be cited than the restricted subset with other

Received on Tuesday, 21 August 2012 18:14:11 UTC