Re: Generic processing of Fragment IDs in RFC 3023bis

On Tue, Jun 29, 2010 at 4:28 AM, MURATA Makoto (FAMILY Given)
<> wrote:
> Noah,
> Thank you for your mail and providing information about
> application/rdf+xml.  I  wonder if the TAG has also considered
> about the possibility of explicitly mentioning application/rdf+xml as an
> exception of generic handling of fragment identifiers and providing
> an exhaustive list of such exceptional media types in RFC3023bis.

Interesting you should ask. We did consider four options and this was
one of them. I think Larry on a recent telcon gave the best rationale
for preferring the solution we did over this one, which is that (a)
there is an unknown number of other +xml registrations that also
conflict with this kind of generic processing, and tracking down,
analyzing, and mitigating each one would be hard, and (b) there is
little assurance that future +xml registrations won't do the same
thing as rdf+xml and others, and specify fragid semantics that
conflict with generic processing.

If I remember correctly, the other options that we considered besides
these two were: serve RDF using application/rdf instead of
application/rdf+xml; and don't worry about the problem since it is so
unlikely to matter in practice.


> Cheers,
> MURATA Makoto

Received on Tuesday, 29 June 2010 13:56:48 UTC