Re: Agenda for TAG teleconference of 28 January 2010

Dan Connolly writes:

> It has the continuation of our Authoritative Metadata
> and Self-Describing Web discussion as item 12, which
> puts it at risk of getting no airtime at all.  [...] I suggest moving it 
to the
> first technical item in the agenda, or at least before
> Web Site, "Speaks for", and policy mechanisms for Web APIs.

I've moved it up some, per your request.  I'm doing the policy mechanisms 
ahead of it, because on that one we have a specific external request, and 
I need at least preliminary guidance in responding.

> Let's please not swap in new tasks until we've got a more
> firm position on that one. 

That I don't completely agree with.  Some of the other things on the 
agenda cover work that people did many weeks ago, and that work is at risk 
of getting no attention at all indefinitely if I don't do a certain amount 
of round-robin.  Furthermore, it is my hope that by having more of these 
in flight at once, we can encourage more work getting done in parallel in 
email, and that we can keep more members of the TAG active between 
telcons.  Anyway, it's a balancing act, and I'm not comfortable committing 
to weekly discussion of all of these things until they're closed.   Also, 
I sometimes just use my judgement to give things a little space, for email 
and reflection.

> While we're taking up generic resources (issue-53)
> let's look at/update all the relevant actions, i.e.
> action-232 as well as action-231.

I think action-232 is not due until the day of the telcon, and I saw no 
progress on it.  So, that's why I haven't scheduled it.  Is there some 
specific progress that you think merits discussion now?

> Also, on Mixing SVG & MathML in HTML 5, please take
> it off this week's agenda, as per the note I put
> in tracker:
> "Critical parties include Noah and Tim, and Tim's next availability
> seems to be 25 Feb, so I'm setting it pending review for then."

Done.  Sorry I missed the note.

The changes are checked in to both copies of the agenda.  Thank you for 
the comments.


Noah Mendelsohn 
IBM Corporation
One Rogers Street
Cambridge, MA 02142

Dan Connolly <>
01/27/2010 10:53 AM
        Subject:        Re: Agenda for TAG teleconference of 28 January 

On Tue, 2010-01-26 at 21:35 -0500, wrote:
> The agenda for the TAG teleconference of 28 January 2010 is now 
> at [1,2], and is attached in text-only form below.  Thank you.
> Noah
> [1]
> [2]

It has the continuation of our Authoritative Metadata
and Self-Describing Web discussion as item 12, which
puts it at risk of getting no airtime at all. Let's
please not swap in new tasks until we've got a more
firm position on that one. I suggest moving it to the
first technical item in the agenda, or at least before
Web Site, "Speaks for", and policy mechanisms for Web APIs.

While we're taking up generic resources (issue-53)
let's look at/update all the relevant actions, i.e.
action-232 as well as action-231.

Also, on Mixing SVG & MathML in HTML 5, please take
it off this week's agenda, as per the note I put
in tracker:

"Critical parties include Noah and Tim, and Tim's next availability
seems to be 25 Feb, so I'm setting it pending review for then."

Dan Connolly, W3C
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Received on Thursday, 28 January 2010 02:43:27 UTC