Re: Courtesy notification: call for consensus on HTML normative language reference issues

On Jan 3, 2010, at 9:36 PM, Maciej Stachowiak wrote:
> Thanks for clarifying the position of the TAG. I think if Mike  
> appends the collected RelaxNG to his draft, changes its status to  
> non-normative, and requests FPWD publication, then it is highly  
> likely to be published as a First Public Working Draft. The next  
> action here is on Mike, so I hesitate to make a firm commitment  
> without asking him, but as co-chair I would strongly encourage him  
> to take these steps ASAP. Note: technically we will give Working  
> Group members an opportunity to object, and it is possible that some  
> may, but a Working Draft does not require consensus so I do not  
> expect this to be an obstacle.

I discussed this with Mike. He believes he can have the document ready  
for FPWD by January, 28. We are tracking this as < 

Mike also mentions that he's not sure if including a full schema is  
the right thing to do, since none of the available schema languages is  
expressive enough to represent all of the HTML5 document conformance  
requirements. I know other members of the Working Group share this  
concern. Mike and I decided that the best way to handle this is to use  
the usual bug/issue process. Thus I have filed < 

TAG members are encouraged to Cc themselves on the bug and/or add  
comments if they have an interest in this issue. After suitable  
discussion in the HTML WG, Mike will enter an Editor's Response in the  
bug, and if necessary we will escalate it to an issue. Though  
hopefully we can settle it with minimum fuss.


Received on Monday, 4 January 2010 06:42:58 UTC