Re: Media Type Sub-Sub-types?

On 06.04.2010 02:17, Xiaoshu Wang wrote:
> ...
> It is just the opposite from my standpoint. PATCH etc are more niceties
> than necessities. I can define whatever the patching semantics in a
> document type and GET/PUT it. Don't think needs a different vocabulary
> to do it. To follow the PATCH practice, the HTTP verb will soon to explode.
> ...

- PATCH isn't really new, it already was mentioned in the Proposed 
Standard of HTTP/1.1 (RFC 2068), over 13 years ago.

- You can't replace PATCH with PUT (to the same URI), as PUT sends a 
*replacement* representation. You *could* use POST instead, but in that 
case you'd need some other discovery mechanism to negotiate the actual 

Best regards, Julian

Received on Tuesday, 6 April 2010 15:31:09 UTC