Question about the On Linking Alternative Representations TAG Finding

Hi Raman and other TAG members,

This is a question about the TAG Finding
“On Linking Alternative Representations To Enable Discovery And  

The finding is quite concise, and I have repeatedly encountered  
disagreement about its interpretation when discussing best practices  
in the Linking Open Data community. Hence I ask for clarification on  
one point.

About resources that have multiple variants, the finding suggests:

“1. Create representation-specific URIs (specific resources) for each  
available alternative (representation_i), e.g., 

And then to configure a “generic resource” that links to and/or  
content-negotiates to each of those representation-specific URIs.

My question is:

Is it ever appropriate to configure content negotiation on the  
*representation-specific URIs*? So, if someone requests the specific  
URI for representation_1, but the Accept header indicates a preference  
for representation_3, should content negotiation kick in and  
representation_3 be served instead?

If this is not appropriate, why?


Received on Wednesday, 30 July 2008 17:48:38 UTC