Re: Resource-Type Revisited (httpRange-14)

On Jan 7, 2008 2:13 PM, Mikael Nilsson <> wrote:

> Depending on the request, a server may legitimately 303-redirect to
> completely different IRs. The semantics of 303 is so weak that this is
> not meaningful.

Well it has to be information about the resource you requested at
first, so I don't think it's much different from the semantics of the
resource <-> representation association.

In other words, this sort of thing would be okay:

7th January: <uri> -303-> [ dc:title "About My Book, 2nd edition" ] .
8th January: <uri> -303-> [ dc:title "About My Book, 3nd edition" ] .

Which means that you take the most generic aspect when titling:

[ :from <uri>; dc:title "About My Book" ] .

> Second - what stops you from introducing this property if *you* find
> it useful? It seems we're mixing two issues here

Not mixing the issues. I just used this to explain the context in
which I was thinking about Resource-Type. You can ignore it safely if
you understand the issues without it.

> how do I as a developer solve some of my pressing practical issues,
> vs. how should be specify these things in the formal documentation?

Well Resource-Type fixes a pressing practical issue too, namely the
justifications for non-IR slash URIs that I presented in:

> The :from property seems to fall in the first category.

Aye. But they both do :-)

> "InformationResource: no" says something about the resource
> that we don't really have any use for.

What useful thing does Description-ID say that "InformationResource:
no" doesn't? What about Resource-Type?

Sean B. Palmer,

Received on Tuesday, 8 January 2008 11:40:34 UTC