Re: Some TAG review of "Cool URIs for the Semantic Web"


On 25 Sep 2007, at 01:05, Pat Hayes wrote:
> We already have a name for the only category we need: they are HTTP  
> endpoints.
> OK, I won't push the ambiguity point for the people/web-pages case  
> any more. So as for people, we can reasonably assert that people  
> aren't this kind of thing: a person can't be an http endpoint, so  
> if you get a 200 code back then the URI doesn't denote a person.

Yuck. That's not coherent at all. Let's say I send an HTTP GET to  
some URI, and the response is 404. Clearly, I have connected to  
something, that thing has received my HTTP request, and generated an  
HTTP response. I'd say that's good evidence for the existence of an  
HTTP endpoint associated with that URI, even though the URI might not  
actually identify any resource.

Same for 303. If I mint a URI and intend it to identify a person,  
then of course I can set up an HTTP endpoint for that URI and make it  
dispense 303 redirects.

The one thing I can't make it do, according to httpRange-14, is  
dispense representations at that URI.

A more fruitful endeavour might be to shed some light on the  
relationship between a resource and its representation(s). Why can  
certain resources have representations, and others not? Who gets to  
associate representations with a resource?


> Pat
>> [...]
>>>  No, that "identify" is one case of "name". Which is true enough for
>>>  government work, I will agree. But not all names are  
>>> identifiers, is
>>>  my point.
>> On that and other matters, I'll perhaps reply separately.
>> I'm still thinking it over.
>> --
>> Dan Connolly, W3C
> --
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Received on Tuesday, 25 September 2007 09:50:34 UTC