RE: WSEC Workshop Submission


Where is there a link to this document on the web?  I am trying to link to
it but cannot find it other than in my inbox. :)
I could publish it online somewhere but would rather refer to the canonical

-Mike Schinkel
"It never ceases to amaze how many people will proactively debate away
attempts to improve the web..."

> -----Original Message-----
> From: [] 
> On Behalf Of
> Sent: Wednesday, January 10, 2007 11:47 AM
> To:
> Cc:
> Subject: WSEC Workshop Submission
> The W3C Technical Architecture Group wishes to participate 
> upcoming W3C Workshop on Web of Services for Enterprise 
> Computing.  A position paper approved by the TAG is attached 
> for you consideration.  If the paper is accepted, I plan to 
> attend the workshop on behalf of the TAG.  I would also be 
> glad to make a presentation on the same material at the 
> workshop, or to lead a discussion of the ideas raised in the 
> paper if you would find that helpful.  Thank you for pulling 
> together this important activity.
> Noah Mendelsohn
> For the W3C Technical Architecture Group
> --------------------------------------
> Noah Mendelsohn
> IBM Corporation
> One Rogers Street
> Cambridge, MA 02142
> 1-617-693-4036
> --------------------------------------

Received on Sunday, 14 January 2007 07:32:38 UTC