Re: should CSS, HTML, etc. documents bear version information? (XMLVersioning-41?)

Elliotte Harold scripsit:

> That's brittle and badly written software. Admittedly there's a lot of 
> that out there. :-(
> Better software bends rather than breaks. There's some of that out there 
> too.

"Always avoid absolute statements; they invariably lead to bad reasoning."

Seriously, there are plenty of applications where it's better to break,
loudly and early, rather than bend.  Long ago and far away, programmers
experimented with error-correcting compilers (see CORC, DWIM), but on
the whole we expect compilers to be conservative in what they accept,
and rightly so.

A rabbi whose congregation doesn't want         John Cowan
to drive him out of town isn't a rabbi,
and a rabbi who lets them do it       
isn't a man.    --Jewish saying

Received on Wednesday, 4 April 2007 18:22:42 UTC