Re: Agenda of 24 January 2006 TAG teleconference

On Jan 23, 2006, at 10:31 AM, Vincent Quint wrote:

>        2. Update on RF's actions
>           Roy will leave the TAG shortly. He owns a few pending  
> actions[12].
>           How do we continue with these actions?

If everything goes as planned, I will be arriving at SFO just prior
to the beginning of the telecon and will be able to join for as long
as my cell phone battery lasts.  I won't have net access, though, so
here is my status, which can be pasted into IRC at the right time:

metadataInURI-31: Should metadata (e.g., versioning information)
be encoded in URIs?

   * Make progress on metadataInURI-31 with Noah
   * with Noah make progress on metadataInURI-31

   We haven't made any progress.  Action DROPPED.

putMediaType-38: Relation of HTTP PUT to GET, and whether client
headers to server are authoritative

   * update Authoritative Metadata finding to include resolution of
     putMediaType-38. Reconfirmed 8 Nov 2005.

   * produce a new version of the finding Authoritative Metadata by
     the end of the year

   This is almost done, but I have zero time until Feb 2.  We should
   be able to close this in Cannes. Action CONTINUED.

URIGoodPractice-40: What are good practices for URI construction?

   * Draft a finding for this issue.
   * consider noting in finding on good uri practices that  
     is a useful pattern because it can be used easily in RDF

   No progress. My opinion is that the TAG would not reach consensus
   on this finding, no matter how I wrote it.  Action DROPPED.


Roy T. Fielding                            <>
Chief Scientist, Day Software              <>

Received on Tuesday, 24 January 2006 01:34:49 UTC