lack of ubiquitous lookup for URN NIDs leads to sloppy use [URNsAndRegistries-50]

I just discovered...

<definitions name="GoogleSearch" targetNamespace="urn:GoogleSearch">

urn:GoogleSearch isn't registered.

I'm pretty sure google would be embarrassed to use
an HTTP URI with an unregistered DNS domain... why aren't
they embarrassed to use an unregistered URN namespace identifier?

I think the fact that the lookup mechanisms for DNS names,
and hence http/ftp URIs, are ubiquitous creates a useful
pressure to not use bogus names. The pressure doesn't
seem to be there for URN namespaces, and the only way I can
see that pressure increasing is if URNs duplicate the
functionality of http... or at least if URNs get connected
to *some* communications protocol that causes bogus names
to get noticed routinely.

Dan Connolly, W3C
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Received on Tuesday, 22 March 2005 05:56:25 UTC