Reviewed charmod fundamentals

Per my action item, I reviewed the charmod fundamentals doc, at

I'm sending a bunch of corrections but almost all are editorial, or 
minor errors of fact, and not worthy of the TAG's time.  I really only 
found one thing that might be, and maybe it's a process not a TAG 
issue.  In their Section 7

criterion C58 says:
  Specifications that define  protocol or format elements
  (e.g. HTTP headers, XML attributes, etc.) which are  to be interpreted 
as URI
  references (or specific subsets of URI references,  such as absolute 
URI references,
  URIs, etc.) SHOULD use  Internationalized Resource Identifiers (IRIs)  
[I-D IRI] (or
  an appropriate subset thereof).   C059   [S]   Specifications MUST 
define when the
  conversion from IRI references to URI references (or subsets  thereof) 
takes place,
  in accordance with Internationalized Resource  Identifiers (IRIs)  
[I-D IRI].

Er, can this doc go to recommendation with IRIs still uncooked?  I 
would probably agree with the spirit of this criterion if we knew a 
little bit more about IRIs. -Tim

Received on Friday, 5 March 2004 17:03:35 UTC