Re: [Minutes] 12 July 2004 (IRI, xmlChunk-44, Webarch LC review comme nts)

At 17:34 13/07/04 +0100, Williams, Stuart wrote:
>    [Chris]
>           explicitly saying that lang would have been a good infoset
>           property would be clearer. it should have been but isn't.
>           timbl++ on the 'it would have been nice if' finding. Valuable
>           for next round of rechartering for example

FWIW, I've been doing enhancement work on a Haskell XML parser recently 
[1], and including xml:lang values to infoset-like information was one of 
the enhancements I have made (in order to support RDF parsing).


     (and others)

Graham Klyne
For email:

Received on Tuesday, 13 July 2004 16:54:54 UTC