Erratum notification: XLink, href, escaping


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> The value of the href attribute must be a URI reference as defined
> in [IETF RFC 2396], or must result in a URI reference after the
> escaping procedure described below is applied.

  Clear so far. The attribute value is either

  a) an RFC 2396 URI reference, or

  b) its some string which (when a defined escaping procedure is
     applied to it) gets turned into an RFC 2396 URI reference.

> The procedure is applied when passing the URI reference to a URI
> resolver.

  No, it can't do that because to get a URI reference, I have to have
  already applied the procedure and thus don't need to apply it again.
  Also, it doesn't say what to do in the more useful case where the
  attribute value is not already a URI reference. Its clear enough
  what was meant:

The procedure is applied, if needed, when passing the attribute value
to a URI resolver.

 The difference is crucial though, because when strictly applying the
 current wording, the procedure can only be applied to a (which does
 not need it) and not to b (which does).


Received on Wednesday, 23 July 2003 20:36:14 UTC