Re: URI Opacity Principle (was: Re: use of fragments as names is irresponsible)

Dare Obasanjo wrote:
> Hopefully if the architecture document says anything in this direction
> it will lean away from URI opacity. The opacity of URIs is a problem for
> in XML application, specifically those that use XML namespaces. A number
> of issues that come up in XML applications would be a lot easier to
> solve (e.g. how does one version XML namespaces?) if namespace names
> were structured and not just glorified UUIDs. 

Yes. To ground this discussion perhaps the TAG could ask itself what 
  architectural advice it might give to Jon Udell regarding his 
library lookup code [1].

I suspect, crudely, the TAG findings will fall along the lines of 
opacity for identifiers good, opacity for name and information 
spaces, bad. The trick is of course that that individual URIs get 
used for both purposes (ie for RDF, and GET).

Bill de hÓra


Received on Wednesday, 15 January 2003 09:49:16 UTC