RE: [rdfmsQnameUriMapping-6] CLOSED: Algorithm for creating a URI from a QName?

They do.  The value of the URI used as the name value 
goes up by network effect as the named scope is itself, 
referenced.  One will want to be scrupulously aware.

One can speculate that this will become a metric for 
Intellectual Property value determination in the same rough 
way Googling determines Internet celebrity:  for 
example, the value of a vocabulary/schema pair 
may be determined by the number of references 
made to it.  The problem as always is gaming but 
intuits that will be worked over time as well.


From: Dan Connolly []

... some uses
contribute to the Web of resources, some don't.

The ones that don't aren't necessarily evil; they
just don't participate in the network effects.

> If so, isn't that a bit of an embarrassment, at least?

No, just an issue to be aware of.

Received on Thursday, 4 December 2003 09:53:20 UTC