[IRIEverywhere-27] next steps

Hello ,

For todays telcon, under 2.2 Issues the TAG intends to discuss

Action CL 2003/03/31: Revised position statement on use of IRIs.

Given the extensive discussion last week,
http://www.w3.org/2003/03/31-tag-summary.html which was helpful but
not entirely conclusive, discussing it more this week might be useful
but do not expect an edited version of
http://www.w3.org/2003/01/22-iri27.html before the call.

Given that I now have to document three separate positions and include
kanji examples with hex equivalents and so forth, it will be another
week at least before I can have edited text. The action item from last
week did not set a date. I suggest 21 April. I was looking at the
document today, and it basically needs to be rewritten from scratch to
accomodate the current position although some of the text could be
reused for position A.

Also we noted the need to convey to Martin the desirability of seeing
http://www.w3.org/International/iri-edit/ updated to include iDNS and
published as draft 4, and to move to RFC soon. I cced him on this

In last weeks telcon I requested, but we did not get time for,
discussion on 'blessed wording' regardding IRI that three XML-related
specs can use to get to Proposed Rec. I would like to address that
issue this week, if possible.

 Chris                          mailto:chris@w3.org

Received on Monday, 7 April 2003 14:23:04 UTC