Re: Is XHTML a dead end?

On Friday, September 27, 2002, at 01:09 PM, Eric van der Vlist wrote:

>> For example... suppose we had some nice modern XHTML2 with
>> properly-nested DIVs and so on, and hyperlinks scattered around.
>> Suppose I wanted to produce a nested table of contents with just
>> hyperlinks, losing all the other text; basically lose anything that's
>> not a <div>, <h[0-8]>, or hyperlink.
>> How would the approaches compare if the source were XLink vs HLink?
> In this case, the transformation would probably be easy enough that we
> can try to do it in one pass with HLink as with XLink.

Really?  Now we're getting somewhere.  I know this is asking a lot, but 
I am far from an XSLT virtuoso... could someone do the XSLT?  Here's 
what I'd like: given an XHTML2 instance, produce another one that keeps 
only DIV tags, H1-H8 elements, and hyperlinks
(a) in the case that they're identified by HLink
(b) in the case they're identified by XLink (for complex links I think 
you just need the parts with xlink:type attributes, but if that's wrong 
let's discuss it).

I think the outcome of this exercise would be real useful in helping us 
understand the real practical operational differences between deploying 
HLink and XLink in the field. -Tim

Received on Friday, 27 September 2002 16:36:25 UTC