Re: 13 Aug Arch Doc available for review (skw-...01)

Williams, Stuart wrote:

> I would like someone to be able to read just the Introduction to our
> document and to come away with an appreciation of Web Architecture. The
> (current) title of the document is "Architectural Principles of the World
> Wide Web". A question I would expect to be answered by the end of the
> introduction is *what* those prinicples are. We have indicated that we aim
> to minimalist in the sense of state some minimum number of
> necessary/important/essential principles - so the list should not be
> unmanagably large. I don't think we should be challenging our readers to
> 'weed' them out from a longer narrative. I think we should state them
> together, up front near the beginning of the document and justify/motivate
> them in the sequel.
> Different people will approach our document with different intent. Some will
> approach with a spirit of enquiry; Some to question/challenge whether they
> share in whatever concensus the document represents; Some in search of an
> authorative source to resolve an issue... thus spake the TAG. I think each
> audience is better served by actually stating the architectural principles
> near the front.

I agree with this 100%. -Tim

Received on Thursday, 15 August 2002 10:30:14 UTC