RE: 13 Aug Arch Doc available for review

This is the first time I have read this document and it was an
interesting read - certainly answered a few questions :)

One question I do have is about URIs - and it may not be right question
for this arch primer. I feel that a section on architecting URI's may be
I say this as by design a URI can pretty much point to anything, and so
to someone implementing this it can seem like there is no structure to

When implementing these in an enterprise for example, the "authority"
would have to create and manage the URI(s). They would want to know
about best design, versioning etc... indeed you give an example about
how the W3C manages versioning etc.

I feel this is an important point otherwise first time readers who do
not fully understand Uri's may not have a clue how to use them... they
could use practically anything for their URI. This is not a bad thing -
I just think they may need guidance. Maybe in addition to the "tips on
URI's" section, although I appreciate a proper doc would require its own


-----Original Message-----
From: [] On Behalf
Of Ian B. Jacobs
Sent: 13 August 2002 21:30
Subject: 13 Aug Arch Doc available for review

Hello www-tag,

The TAG invites your comments on the latest draft
of the Architecture Document [1]. The TAG expects
to publish a first public Working Draft (on the
TR page) of the Architecture Document in a few weeks
and would like material feedback on the current draft.

The TAG does not commit to responding to every comment;
this is not a formal call for review. The usual TAG
policy [2] regarding email on this list is in effect.

Please be concrete in your comments. Propose alternative
language. Avoid sustaining long threads.

Chapter 1 ("Identifiers and Resources") may deserve the
most attention -- it has received a lot more attention
from the TAG than the other chatpers. On the other hand,
concrete suggestions for how to structure the other
chapters could also help us improve the first public

Thank you,

   - Ian

Ian Jacobs (
Tel:                     +1 718 260-9447

Received on Thursday, 15 August 2002 09:00:24 UTC