Re: HTTPSubstrate-16

On Tuesday, April 23, 2002, at 10:30  PM, Mark Nottingham wrote:
> Part of the motivation for raising this issue was to improve (or at least 
> make more visible) the coordination between the IETF and W3C on these 
> matters. If the document is to be revised over time, and the W3C has 
> identified some issues with it, doesn't it seem appropriate to make the 
> effort to collect that input?

Okay, but is "collecting input" something that should be placed in a
TAG finding?  I agree that we should discuss it, and archive the 
and encourage the IETF editor to participate (which he has kindly done),
but I can't think of anything else to do with it.

Unless, that is, someone would like to outline what exact W3C 
will conflict with RFC 3205, why they do so, and what steps should be taken
to ensure that the technology behaves according to IETF best practice in
general (possibly resulting in an update to RFC 3205).


Received on Wednesday, 24 April 2002 21:39:45 UTC