Summary of TAG activity in March 2002


This is a summary of the TAG's activity since 11 March,
date of the previous summary [1].

The TAG had three teleconferences during this period; summaries
of those meetings are linked from the TAG home page [2].

For the past month, the TAG has primarily:

   * Continued to flesh out a categorization ("table of
     contents") [3] for a Web Architecture document.

   * Written summaries of each section of that table
     of contents (linked from the table of contents).

These documents, still drafts, have already led to a lot of
discussion on the TAG's public mailing list, www-tag (archive
[4]). So much discussion that the TAG is considering additional
measures to keep discussion focused on the issues that the TAG is
trying to resolve.

Issues the TAG has worked on since the previous summary:

   * namespaceDocument-8 : What should a "namespace document"
     look like? [5]. The TAG made particularly good progress
     on this issue at its 1 April teleconference; it is likely
     that the TAG will have a document that provides guidance
     on namespace documents in the next couple of weeks.

Issues accepted by the TAG since the previous summary:

   * httpRange-14 : What is the range of the HTTP dereference
         function? [6]
   * URIEquivalence-15: When are two URI variants considered
         identical? [7]
   * HTTPSubstrate-16: Should HTTP be used as a substrate protocol?
         Does W3C agree with RFC 3025? [8]

In the next meeting or two, the TAG will finalize the content of
its presentations at the W3C Advisory Committee meeting in May
and the W3C Track at WWW2002.

For Tim Berners-Lee, TAG Chair
Ian Jacobs


Ian Jacobs (
Tel:                     +1 718 260-9447

Received on Thursday, 4 April 2002 13:12:25 UTC