2 SVG branches

Hi all,

With the help of Cameron, we now have 2 branches on GitHub:

* master -  covers the work on the stable version of SVG2. The goal of this branch is to finalize the specification.
* svg-next - is a fork of master at the moment and contains all features that are at-risk. It is meant as a collection of future work items of the WG.

We already have https://svgwg.org/svg2-draft/ which will point to the stable version of SVG2 from now on.

In addition, Cameron added https://svgwg.org/svg-next/ with the collection of features for the next level after level 2. (Or a collection of items that may go into specific, individual specs.)

This way, all features (even those which eventually get removed if they do not fulfil the PR requirements) will stay in an editors draft and are publicly available as a compiled spec.


Received on Monday, 7 May 2018 05:42:54 UTC