Re: SVG's future

Francis Hemsher:
> If there is any interest, I can build/moderate a website on my server that
> presents the various new features available in SVG. It would present each
> feature as a graphic example, understandable by web developers. It's intent
> is to get feedback on how they could use the feature, and gauge their level
> of enthusiasm.

Maybe you have a look at:
to get an impression, what is currently still missing in the current draft to 
get it complete with required new features ;o)

Concerning browsers, it would be already a progress, to have a complete 
implementation for SVG 1.1 and SVG tiny 1.2 as specified ;o)
Therefore I think, meanwhile there is a lot of time to complete the SVG 2 
draft as originally intended and removing backwards incompatible issues again.

Did anyone at all check the current draft text for bugs?
I stopped at some point, when there was no really answer to questions about 
missing features, therefore I gave up, assuming the SVG 2 draft to be not 
ready to care about yet.

Checking the draft and indicating bugs are the only things, author can 
currently do, if there are no implementations to test.
Well, maybe one can simulate some features with some approximations, using for 
example a PHP-script to calculate how it should look like.
I have a few, but the related features are not yet in the draft - again not 
much to do here.


Received on Friday, 10 February 2017 12:30:38 UTC