Re: [SVG2 CR] viewport-fill, viewport-fill-opacity

I brought this up in issue 199.

The answer there is that the CSS backround attribute(s) can do the job
instead.  And all the browsers seem to support it.

However the only reference in the spec to this is the indirect reference in
the sample SVG in section 13.3.

If it is official, then it probably ought to be added to the spec somewhere
- at least to the properties index in the appendix.

There are two issues I have with replacing viewport-fill with background:

1. *Support in non-browser renderers.*  They have to decide if they want to
support viewport-fill anyway. Or just support background-color, or the
whole background shortcut, which means another nine CSS properties to be

2. *Browsers only seem to support background on outermost <svg> elements.*
 Whereas viewport-fill is valid for all elements that establish a
viewport.  That issue should probably be resolved.


On 18 September 2016 at 06:32, Dr. Olaf Hoffmann <>

> Hello,
> I'm missing viewport-fill and viewport-fill-opacity
> from SVG tiny 1.2 in the CR.
> Why are these pretty useful feature removed again?
> Something like <circle r="1e100" /> as a work around has problems as well
> in
> some viewers.
> Olaf

Received on Sunday, 18 September 2016 07:30:48 UTC