Re: SVG2 polyfill

On Mon, 2016-08-29 at 16:48 -0400, Frédéric Guimont wrote:
> I'd like to thank everyone for their feedback. 
> I think that building upon an existing polyfill sounds like a good
> idea, and I'll also have to figure out what can and what can't be
> polyfilled. I'm going to go ahead with the request and keep you
> informed on how that goes.


Here are some things I would love to see handled (in rough order of
difficulty) along with ideas on how to implement them in a polyfill:

* 'marker' attribute 'orient' value 'auto-start-reverse'

  Supported by Inkscape (rendering), Firefox, and Chrome
  Need to create copy of marker w/ coordinates flipped.

* 'paint-order'

  Supported by Inkscape (w/ GUI), Firefox, and Chrome.
  Handle by creating <use> elements.

* 'fill' and 'stroke' values 'context-fill' and 'context-stroke'

  Supported by Inkscape (w/o GUI), partial support by Firefox in SVG
  Need to replace 'context-fill' and 'context-stroke' by current
fill/stroke values.
  This is key to get arrowhead color to match path color.

* Path command 'Z'  and 'z' fill in missing data

  Not supported anywhere yet.
  Need to copy initial path data values to end of path.

* Markers on shapes

  Partially supported by Inkscape.
  Need to convert shapes into paths.

* Text on shapes

  Not supported anywhere yet.
  Convert shape to path.

* <textPath> attribute 'side'

  Not supported anywhere yet.
  Need to copy path and reverse its direction.

* <hatch> and <hatchpath>

  Supported by Inkscape.
  Handle by creating a <pattern>.

* <meshgradient>

  Supported by Inkscape (w/ GUI)
  Render to <img>.

* SVG 2 Text in shape

  Partial support by Inkscape.
  Not clear how to implement in polyfill.


Received on Tuesday, 30 August 2016 08:30:50 UTC