Re: Possible to resize text to max size within a box?

2015-09-17 9:45 GMT+02:00 Cameron McCormack <>:

> lengthAdjust="spacingAndGlyphs" just applies a scale in one dimension.
> It shouldn’t be hard to extend that with another value that scales in
> both dimensions (although note that scaling the text as if it had a
> transform on it will not always get you the same result as scaling the
> font-size down, due to hinting at least).

Yeah, that is the point!

Like in the ling that David sent:
If the height is reduced the text simply get reduced height without
changing the width, so you get a really "flat" text that is not easy to
read and looks strange.

Is there a way to keep the font in normal scale (reduce/increase the font
size to make it fit optimal into a box)?

> --
> Cameron McCormack ≝

Received on Thursday, 17 September 2015 09:21:53 UTC