Re: agenda+ css-writing-modes-3 review

On Fri, Oct 2, 2015 at 10:03 PM, Dirk Schulze <> wrote:

> Since Adobe’s authoring tools and authoring tools from other vendors
> already use vertical text in the SVG export I would not mind if we take
> more than just browsers under consideration :) Anyway, I will try my best
> to review the issues and comment next week before the meeting.
> Greetings,
> Dirk

I'd like our efforts to unprefix writing-mode does not break existing tools
and files, and your support helps me doing so.

This issue does not affect all vertical flow; only affects "direction=rtl".
And since the issue is we have two properties to set one thing, if
authoring tool emits both, things should not break. i.e., if authoring tool
emits for "vertical and RTL":
  direction="rtl" writing-mode="bt-rl"
and for "horizontal and RTL:
  direction="rtl" writing-mode="rl" (or just direction="rtl")
then we can take the base direction from "direction" and
horizontal/vertical from "writing-mode".

I haven't verified, but I suspect that's what authoring tools do today
because Blink already implements that way (i.e., "direction" for base
direction and "writing-mode" for horizontal/vertical.)

By making them equivalent, it can break only if authoring tool assumes
"writing-mode" sets direction and thus omit "direction". But such authoring
tools is already broken on Blink today.


Received on Saturday, 3 October 2015 04:45:57 UTC