Re: Interactive Declarative Animation in <img>

On 03/26/2015 08:48 PM, Daniel Holbert wrote:
> (One scenario I've thought of, which might be what you're getting at
> [please bring up other scenarios though]: some interactive user-provided
> SVG content, where if you click just the right spots, some horrifically
> obscene picture pops up.  This is a problem, though it also seems like
> it could be a problem for e.g. animated GIFs or simple animated SVG or
> video -- some arbitrary frame of the animation/video could have the same
> obscene content. I'll grant that it may be more discoverable via
> automated tools in these non-interactive formats, though. (to the extent
> that your tools can actually tell that it's obscene.)

One other trick in this category -- even with static SVG, a sneaky user
could sneak something objectionable past automated filters & human
content-screeners using CSS media queries in their SVG. They could use a
media query to control whether a piece of content is visible, based on
the viewport-size (which I think would translate to the image's size),
or something else that can vary between the content-screener's
environment & the actual-site-on-a-particular-user's-device.

I think this is somewhat similar to burying an image at frame N of an
animated GIF (where N is huge), so it's not entirely a problem that's
new when you introduce SVG.  But I'll grant that tools can probably scan
GIF-frames more trivially than they can probe the entire space of
media-query-influenced renderings.

Received on Friday, 27 March 2015 04:36:24 UTC