Re: Outlines for new Implementation guide documents for Core (previously WAI-ARIA), HTML 5.1, and SVG2

(Replying to www-svg since this is SVG-specific)

(2014/01/16 6:34), Richard Schwerdtfeger wrote:
> Here is the URL to find links to the 3 outlines:
> This is a work in progress but I have started the outlines for each. We
> should discuss these at the Face to Face.

Hi Rich,

Thank you for this. At last week's telcon I brought to the group the 
issue raised by Kurosawa-san that SVG2 currently says that only rendered 
SVG elements can have role attributes.[1][2]

Kurosawa-san pointed out that "rendered elements" is not really defined 
and the attribute index defines the places where role is allowed 
inconsistently. I raised the question whether we need to restrict the 
set of elements at all or whether we can just allow role attributes 
everywhere like I believe HTML allows.[3]

We decided we should ask someone who knows more about ARIA (like 
Kurosawa-san and yourself).

Will the documents referred to in your mail cover this role (haha)? If 
not, do you have any suggestions about this?



[1] Discussion here:
[2] Original issue here:

Received on Thursday, 16 January 2014 00:50:14 UTC