Re: Wrapping Text in SVG

On Wed, Jun 5, 2013 at 3:05 AM, Doug Schepers <> wrote:
>> But what one needs additionally, from my point of view:
>> a) overflow: scroll and overflow: auto for text boxes
>> with a behaviour as known from ordinary CSS.
> Agreed. Cameron mentioned this during the telcon (well, F2f, but I was not
> there, so I dialed in), and it seems sensible to me.

Yes, the idea is more or less that using width on a <text> *converts
it into a CSS box* (positioned using SVG positioning).  At the least,
this means that everything CSS can do to control text and overflow and
things like that apply; at best, it's a real and true CSS box, so
every CSS property applies to it, including things like the alignment
properties <> and


Received on Tuesday, 4 June 2013 21:56:46 UTC