Re: Promoting more SVG attributes into properties

Thursday, January 24, 2013, 6:38:16 AM, Cameron wrote:
> On 24/01/13 5:54 AM, Tab Atkins Jr. wrote:

>> 2. Restrict the property to a single syntax that works on both
>> instances.  For example, for the 'x' property, only allow a single
>> length.  If you want to specify multiple lengths for a <text> element,
>> you need to use the attribute form.

> I would prefer the model to be that the property is the actual storage,
> and the presentation attribute is just another way to influence the 
> value of the property.  So I think the property needs to be able to 
> represent both single values and a list.

I would also much prefer that the property *continue to* be the actual
storage,   and   the   presentation   attribute   continue   to  be  a
zero-specificity  way  to specify the property value, while stlesheets
(style  attributes,  style elements, external stylesheets) continue to
be another higher specificity way to specify the same property.

Best regards,

Received on Thursday, 24 January 2013 13:07:32 UTC