Re: Porting fill/stroke (and -opacity variants) to plain CSS

Hi, Tab-

Just one thing for consideration (there are surely many others):

When using stroke with text, typically authors would prefer to have the 
stroke underneath the fill, rather than on top of it, as it is now. 
Otherwise, it gets too muddled.

We plan to add the capability to SVG 2 to allow the stroke to be under 
the fill, along with other stroke properties. The mechanism we're using 
is ultimately Vector Effects, but I think many of us see value in having 
some "canned effect" properties for common things like 
stroke-under-fill, multi-stroke, non-scaling-stroke, and other things. 
I'd like to see this explored as part of CSS.


On 1/23/13 2:15 PM, Tab Atkins Jr. wrote:
> Heya SVGWG, in today's CSSWG call fantasai suggested, to solve
> another issue, porting SVG's fill and stroke properties to plain CSS,
> with them applying only to text.
> We'll look to existing SVG application of fill/stroke to <text>, and
> WebKit's use of their proprietary text-stroke and text-fill
> properties, to inform how they work.  We'll probably define them in
> the Text Decoration module.
> Any issues you anticipate with that?
> ~TJ

Received on Wednesday, 23 January 2013 22:52:50 UTC