SVG animation and relationship to SMIL 3.0 Animation


IMO it is time to use SMIL 3.0 Animation and SMIL 3.0 Timing and Synchronization as reference and not the first version of it. If that would be the case, a lot of the description would be a duplicate of SMIL 3.0 Animation. Here is just a list of the sections with links to the description in SMIL. Skip the list if you are not interested in the differences and get to the proposal at the end of the mail:

19.2.5. Attributes to identify the target attribute or property for an animation

Only difference, SVG Animation specifies 'auto' as default explicitly.

19.2.8. Attributes to control the timing of the animation

'begin' can take a 'Media-Marker-value'
	Describes the element begin as a named marker time defined by a media element.
'dur' no differences, but clarifications
'end' can take a 'Media-Marker-value'
	Describes the element begin as a named marker time defined by a media element.
'min' some clarifications on SVG
'max' some clarifications on SVG
	New value on SMIL: 'indefinite': The maximum value of the duration is indefinite, and so is not constrained.
	(no difference in practice to no specified value)
'restart' some clarifications on SVG
'repeatCount' no difference
'repeatDur' no difference
'fill' New values in SMIL: "hold" | "transition" | "auto"

'fill' and 'restart' get new values 'default' with the new attributes 'fillDefault' and 'restartDefault' Clock values

No difference

19.2.9. Attributes that define animation values over time

No difference for attributes.
SVG adds specific error handling + different behavior on discrete animations for 'from-to' animations 'from-by' on calcMode discrete (but not for values).
Example is the same like in SMIL.

19.2.10. Attributes that control whether animations are additive
More detailed description in SMIL, compact description in SVG. No differences in behavior or definition.

Every single level has the following wording:
Except for any SVG-specific rules explicitly mentioned in this specification, the normative definition for this element is the SMIL Animation specification. In particular, see SMIL Animation: ... ([SMILANIM], section …).

I wonder if we can say in the overview that we rely on SMIL 3.0 (with the sentence above) but just define behavior that differs in SVG Animate. Then we still list the supported attributes and values, omit the descriptions as much as possible and just add a link to the certain section in SMIL. We could also think about supporting more values, because we just need to reference to the section in SMIL. But browser vendors must agree to add more values.


Received on Sunday, 27 May 2012 15:39:04 UTC