
As demonstrated here:, most
common window controls, including scrollbars, dropdown boxes, list boxes,
check boxes, tables, etc have been implemented successfully in SVG.   


My suggestion is that all HTML controls in the HTML standard be implemented
in SVG as well as all visual effects in HTML.  HTML rendering would be
applied SVG.  In this way you simplify the rendering in browers by replacing
2 incompatible rendering approaches with one approach.


One would then achieve the bandwidth economy of HTML whereby a table can be
specified in a few lines (vs the 50Kb in SVG) when a customized table is not
needed, yet still retain the precision of layout and low level control
afforded by SVG if cookie-cutter HTML controls are insufficient.
Conceptually, HTML would be a set of common algorithms and controls built in
SVG that would be already on the browser (they need not be downloaded each
time) - ie HTML would be an SVG standard library.


In a similar vein, would like to simplify the incompatible architectures
posed by WebGl and Canvas and create a unified SVG-WebGl-Canvas-HTML
conceptual model, however,  this may be far off.  However, HTML seems more
and more like simply a derivative of SVG (and can be thought of as applied
SVG because it would appear one can do everything in HTML as pure SVG).




Received on Tuesday, 8 November 2011 13:01:06 UTC